Save the date, mark your calendar. Write this down!

Sunday, July 30 7:00 P.M.
A one-time event to put closure to the 7-part period fiction. A one-hour video chat is the gentle breeze calling you by name.
Easy as 1,2,3 to Join the Discussion:
1) Set up a free account. A day or two before the event, you'll receive an invitation from SEVEN DAYS IN CARRINGTON to join the 'Book Club.' (Today's message is the first of three event reminders.)
2) Please let us know you plan to attend because online registration is limited to a capacity of 100.
3) Lean-in, log-on even if you've not finished SEASON 7 - there are probably more loose ends and typographical errors that will dog the author to her dying day. So your input in invaluable, reader reactions are golden. By virtue of 'just listening,' your presence matters to the author. It's the reason she writes. And for the REAL LIVES from Season #7 who will be in attendance - we hope - many fine actors bail, fail, and prevail in CARRINGTON for a myriad of reasons and seasons. Just ask ask us why. Some of us are dying to tell you!
Please don't unsubsribe until 7/30/2023 when CARRINGTON events come to an end. Thanks for coming along on the ride. There is growth in storytelling, wisdom comes from learning, knowledge in discerning fact from fiction. At story's end, the door will stay propped open for continued dialogue. Like an old friend, don't be a stranger, and pop in, anytime.
But in the words of Old Joe Carter, "it's time to move on, Partner."
Copyright SEVEN DAYS IN CARRINGTON, 2023, all rights reserved. Rebecca Templeman